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电话: 020-38090289
姓名: Sara
Guangdong Agribusiness Group Import & Export Co.,Ltd

  Guangdong Agribusiness Group, which was founded in 1951 with total asset over RMB fifteen billion yuan, owns many domestic and overseas production bases, processing industries bases(farms) and enterprises, the output of natural rubber, sugarcane and sisal hemp is ranking the top three position and the sales volume of gum rosin products is ranking top position in China, being an industrial group of the biggest and most strong modern south-subtropical products in China. Relaying on the group an

主要产品/业务: 松香、松节油、蒎稀等松树化学品

Guangdong Agribusiness Group Import & Export Co.,Ltd / 广东 / 广州市天河区粤垦路68号广垦商务大厦2座12楼 (510507) / 电话:020-38090289

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